Science of Reading for Upper Elementary
Explicit, effective, and engaging lessons to close the gap!
Why spend hours scouring the Internet for activities when you can spend minutes instead?
A message from Amelia
FREE PREVIEWHow to use this course
Introduction to the Science of Reading and this course
Phonological Awareness and the Connection to Letters
Using the Scope and Sequence and Assessments
Real Student Assessment in Action
Scope and Sequence for Upper Elementary
FREE PREVIEWDiagnostic SoR Assessment for Upper Elementary
Let's look at a phoneme unit in detail!
FREE PREVIEWGetting your students ready - notebooks and word building kit
Personal Student blending boards
Student Notebooks
Orthographic Mapping for Students
Personal Student Phonics bookmark
Syllable Type Posters
The 90 Minute Block - How to make this work!
Unit 1: -ng/-nk
FREE PREVIEWUnit 2: ck Ending
Unit 3: -tch
Unit 4: -dge
Unit 5: Magic e
Unit 6: Soft c and g
Unit 7: Y as a vowel
Unit 8: Suffix -ed
Unit 9: -s or –es plural suffixes
Unit 10: Vowel team- ea/ee
Unit 11: Vowel team- ai/ay
Unit 12: Vowel teams- oa/oe
Unit 13: Suffix -ing!
Unit 14: Contractions with am, is, has, not, are
Unit 15: Three consonant blends - str, spl, scr, spr
Unit 16: Blends with digraphs- shr, thr, squ
Unit 17: Schwa Sound
Unit 18: Bossy r- er
Unit 19: Bossy r- ir/ur
Unit 20: Diphthongs oi/oy
Unit 21: Diphthongs ou/ow
Unit 22: Diphthongs au/aw
Unit 23: Vowel team igh
Unit 24: Doubling rule (1-1-1)
Unit 25: Dropping Rule
Unit 26: Changing Rule
Unit 27: Syllable Type Consonant -le
Unit 28: Wild Old Words
Unit 29: Bossy R "ar/or"
Unit 30: Other uses for Silent "e"
Unit 31: Contractions with have, would, will
Unit 32: Ph/gh -/f/
Unit 33: Ch has two sounds
Unit 34: Y as a short i phoneme
Unit 35: /oo/ long u spellings
Unit 36: /oo/ spelled oo and u
Unit 37: Silent Letters
Unit 38: Other Bossy R Combinations
Unit 39: Homophones
Unit 40: /ik/ spelled ic
Unit 41: long /o/ spelled ow
Unit 42: long /e/ spelled ei or ie
Unit 43: other spellings for long /a/
Unit 44: /ij/ spelled -age
Unit 45: -us vs. -ous endings
Unit 46: -able vs. -ible endings
Unit 47: -cal and -cle
Unit 48: -al and -el
Unit 49: aught and ought
Unit 50: Suffixes ion, tion, and sion
Unit 51: cher spelled -ture
Unit 52: Advanced /sh/ spellings
Unit 53: K spelled ch and que
Unit 54: Morphology
You teach grades 3-6 and have students who are striving readers, more than 1-2 grade levels below
You need support and resources to drive Science of Reading instruction in your classroom
You feel overwhelmed with trying to find the right resources to target the needs of your striving readers
You are frustrated with the lack of upper elementary phonics-based instruction available
You know your students have foundational reading gaps, but you don't know where to start!
You are a homeschool parent and not sure where to start when helping your child with reading
know about the Science of Reading, but you are not sure where to start or need more support
You need activities for struggling kindergarten or 1st grade readers
You are not interested in implementing foundational reading instruction based on Science of Reading research
Your readers are all on level or above level readers
You teach whole language and do not want to make the shift to foundational reading instruction
This course is a lengthy resource that will cover your entire year (and beyond) of foundational literacy instruction. There are multiple professional development videos teaching about the why and how of the Science of Reading, model lesson videos, as well as tips and tricks for teaching striving readers in upper elementary.
Absolutely! I HIGHLY recommend reaching out to your district for reimbursement. This resource is Science of Reading based, with research to support all of the activities. Districts are incredibly supportive of this effective instruction within the classroom, and will often times be more than willing to pay for it. I also accept PO's. You can have your school email me at [email protected] to set this up! If more than 10 teachers within your building, please email me for a special discounted rate!
These resources are aligned to support striving readers in grades 3-6. They will support readers who are 1 or more grade levels below, and need foundational reading skills to close the gap. The content, activities, and scope and sequence are aligned to upper elementary students.